Mathematics » Mathematics


Grades K-4 Elementary Curriculum for Mathematics was developed over the last four years by teams of educators utilizing research by the Dana Center located at the University of Texas and many resources from the Eureka Math Program.  The Scope and Sequence of the Dana Center  curriculum framework documents provide the basis for guiding our curriculum though individual units may be modified at a building level to address ongoing, project based learning opportunities.  The Beverly curriculum is aligned to the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework and district wide common assessments provide us the data to adjust instruction and personalize learning opportunities for our students. Each classroom and grade level incorporate the following elements as part of their mathematics instruction.

Conceptual Development

Conceptual understanding and visual learning are at the core of our primary mathematics instruction.  Students participate in a 45-60 minute math block daily. An example of a classroom experience may include: whole group learning (Math Talk, Puzzle Talk, Mini-lesson); small group instruction in teacher led and/or collaborative workstations (Explicit instruction, STMath workstation, Problem-solving); and a wrap-up (summary of learning objectives).  Student work is differentiated/personalized by the classroom teacher based upon student need.


In K-4 have the opportunity to develop skills utilizing the ST Math program.  Our partnership with ST Math provides our teacher professional development, as well as individual access to the STMath learning platform.  ST Math is a visual instructional program that builds a deep conceptual understanding of math through rigorous learning and creative problem solving to engage, motivate and challenge students through game-based activities.


Solving problems goes beyond mathematics presented as word or story problems. Problem solving is the act of finding a solution when a method for solution is not obvious. It can be story problems or simply open-ended questions. Our math curriculum embeds opportunities for problem based learning and performance based tasks to challenge and develop the critical thinking skills of our students.

Fluency: Grades 1-3 utilize The Box of Facts resource to support fluency strategies in the math classrooms.  The Box of Facts is a collection of ready-made visual aids to assist teachers in helping students to develop mathematics thinking strategies for basic facts in multiplication and division.