Human Resources and Payroll » Life Events

Life Events

Complete an Employee Change Form and attach supporting documentation (such as marriage certificate or legal name change document, in the case of a name change)


Marriage is a qualifying event allowing you to add your spouse to your health, dental and/or vision insurance within 30 days of the date of your marriage.  Refer to this checklist for details as well as other potential changes such as a name change, or changes to your tax withholdings or direct deposit information.
Congratulations!  You’ve added to your family…what are your next steps?  Refer to this checklist regarding parental leave and insurance.
  • Enrollments outside of the annual open enrollment period are only permitted due to qualifying events:
    • Loss of previous coverage
    • Change in household: marriage, divorce, birth/adoption, death in family
    • Employment status change from part-time to full-time
  • Review benefit summaries and costs
  • Complete the applicable enrollment form(s)
  • In order to submit the enrollment form(s), you must attach legible copies of supporting documentation such as birth certificate(s), marriage certificate and/or proof of loss of previous coverage, as applicable
  • Review benefit summaries and costs
  • Select plan(s) you wish to enroll in and complete the applicable enrollment form(s)
  • In order to submit the enrollment form(s), you must attach legible copies of both your birth certificate and proof of loss of previous coverage
  • You will receive a letter with information and cost for your dependent continuing on our health and/or dental insurance through COBRA
  • Your dependent can use this letter as proof of loss of coverage to enroll in their employer's insurance, if applicable
You may cancel insurance effective the last day of any month by completing this Benefits Cancellation Form.
Thinking about retiring?  This retirement checklist outlines the steps in the retirement process. 
The City of Beverly Human Resources website contains detailed information regarding retiree benefits for those enrolled in Medicare and those not enrolled in Medicare.
The MTRS website provides additional information regarding retirement and health insurance specific to MTRS members.