Human Resources and Payroll » Employee Self Service (ESS) Portal

Employee Self Service (ESS) Portal

The Employee Self Service (ESS) portal allows you to view your personal information and tax withholdings currently on file with HR/Payroll, as well copies of your paystubs, W2s and accrual balances.  If you need to make changes after reviewing your information, please use the links in the Employee Forms section for employee information, direct deposit and tax withholding change forms.

username = employee number (use the "Forgot your username?" link on the login page, enter your BPS email address and your username will be emailed to you)
password = defaulted to last four digits of SSN; you will be directed to create a new password after logging in for the first time
If you are unable to login, please email Susan Manzo to request a password reset.
Select Pay/Tax Information in the menu bar
Select the Details link for the paycheck you'd like to view
On the Check Detail page, select the View Paycheck Image link in the upper right corner in the Overview section at the top of the screen
You are able to print and/or download the paycheck image
Coaching and summer paychecks are linked to base pay employee accounts on the ESS portal.  
  • Log into ESS using your existing employee number and password
  • Select the person icon in the top right corner
  • Select the down arrow on the Location option
  • You can then select the secondary location(s), as well as toggle back and forth between the listed locations
ESS login screen
Select Time Off in the menu bar
On the Time Off screen, select the link for the number shown for sick, personal, etc. 
A calendar will pop up and you're able to select any highlighted day to view the number and type of hours taken
Enter URL in Chrome:
Select the Share icon in upper right corner
login page 1
Scroll down and select Add to Home Screen under Share options
login screen 2
Select Add
login screen 3
Enter URL in Chrome:

Select the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner)
Select Add to Home Screen
Choose a name for the website shortcut, then Chrome will add it to your home screen
Access Denied Message
This may happen if you are still logged into a previous session.  Select the Home option on the ESS menu bar to return to the home screen.
500 Internal Server Error Message
If the Home option is not visible, use the Chrome back button to return to the previous screen.  You can then log out and log back in.
You can access the ESS Portal either by selecting the button or scanning the QR code below.